Web Developer (Html5, Javascript, PHP) - Galaxy One Pte. Ltd.
  • Ajax, Ontario, Canada
  • via Jobleads.com
Job Description

You can apply for Front End or Back End position below:

Front End

  • Receive PSD designed file, cut HTML, CSS use Bootstrap’s framework.
  • Maximize, improve page loading speed.

Back End

  • Research, analyze, develop international e-commerce projects with high applicability.
  • Upgrade some recent features of website to improve the display, page loading speed for Digital Marketing.
  • Analyze and develop applications (web-based, mobile-based) to serve for company information management system;
  • Analyze system design, build and manage database system;
  • Support extracting data from CSDL to make reports.



  • Graduate colleague, university or higher in related majors.
  • At least 6 months of experience in the same position.
  • English requirement: communicate well through Skype, Email, and read some specialized documents.
  • Work alone and work in team.

Front End:

  • Be proficient at Front-end framework Bootstrap.
  • Have knowledge of transfer design from Photoshop/AI to HTML/CSS.
  • Have knowledge of UX.

Back End:

  • Get experience in building and developing a website by PHP, MySQL.
  • Be efficient at Front-end framework Bootstrap.
  • Have base knowledge of Database, SQL queries, relationships.
  • Have Analysis ability, system design, system design, and good programming logic.
  • Have knowledge of MVC, OOP model and experience in Git source code.

WE PRIORITIZE CANDIDATES who have experience in one of below parts:

  • One of popular PHP Frameworks (Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii 2, Phalcon, Zend,...)
  • Website security
  • Payment Gateway (Paypal, CyberSource, G2S...)
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Have knowledge of Amazon’s services (S3, CloudFront).
  • Have knowledge of CloudFlare.


  • Attractive salary depends on your performance.
  • Tet holiday’s bonus as your experience and performance.
  • 10% Bonuses due to yearly holiday 30/04, 02/09, 01/01.
  • Subsidize under Vietnam Labour Law (Children’s Day, Moon Festival, wedding, maternity).
  • Reward employees due to projects or the company status and revenue (if any).
  • Celebrate employee birthday every month.
  • Health Insurance, Social Insurance.
  • Dynamic, creative, friendly work environment.
  • Train profession & technology in your probation period.
  • Get time to understand and learn about new majors.
  • Join in e-commerce projects in many fields.
  • Have chances to experience new IT infrastructure.
  • Gain skill in Digital Marketing.


  • CV
  • Job application
  • Transcript
  • Diplomas, certificates related to the position.
  • Language used: any
  • (Candidates please write the contact and phone number clearly on the file)

Working environment

Galaxy One Group provides the equipment to meet the working demands of each department’s staffs, creates the environment that helps employees develop their best.

The company's viewpoint of personnel strategy is: recruit and appoint the right capabilities in the right position, pay salary worthy with job performance and contributions.

Review the recruitment process and decide to start your career with us. Include: Receive and select records, Interview, Notify the result

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