Outdoor Maintenance Position - Mont SUTTON
  • Sutton, Quebec, Canada
  • via MindMatch.ai
Job Description

As part of his duties, the employee must perform various outdoor maintenance jobs using many different kinds of tools and machinery.Roles and responsibilities• Perform field work, such as, lawn mowing, brush clearing, tree cutting, trail maintenance, snow removal, etc .;• Painting and/or maintaining outdoor infrastructure;• Maintaining the premises (base, parking, camping, etc.)• Participating in the development of the site (installing fences, signage, garbage cans, etc.)• The use of various tools to carry out the requested work;• The handling of heavy objects;• Driving different machinery and vehicles when required.The list of tasks is not exhaustive and represents only an overview of the tasks that the incumbent will have to accomplish.Schedule and durationSeasonal employment;Full time or part time on weekdays;Summer schedule; leave on Friday afternoons!Employee benefitsAdvantageous discounts for you and your family;One pay every week;A flexible schedule;Group insurance for permanent jobs;An exceptional work environment;Passionate work colleagues and superiors!Required skills and behaviorsGood physical endurance;Drivers licence Class 5;Autonomous and reliable;Good at handiwork;Able to work outside in different weather conditions;Has good communication and teamwork skills
