Health Care Coordinator - Larchefoundation
  • London, Ontario, Canada
  • via All The Top Bananas
Job Description

We are seeking a part-time Health Care Coordinator. Working within a team context, the Health Care Coordinator ensures the health and wellbeing of core members through education, supervision and collaboration around health and medical issues. They also participate in planning for appropriate supports and services to meet the ever-changing needs of core members and the assistants who support them. The person in this role is accountable to the Homes Coordinator. Major Responsibilities: Work with House Leaders and home and program teams to ensure appropriate care, planning and consistency around the medical needs of core members. Orient, educate and supervise assistants on medication administration and management, day to day medical procedures, medical equipment use, controlled acts, matters of good health, and managing medical conditions. Work in collaboration with medical professionals, agency support coordinators, pharmacies, L’Arche London personnel, core members and their families around health and medical concerns. Oversee development and implementation of behaviour support protocols, including training and documentation review; interface with BSP committee. Support health care appointments as needed, including accompanying core members. Assess medical concerns and determine if additional intervention is required i.e. appointment with doctor or ER. Document all medical contacts, concerns and appointments. Oversee the Joint Health & Safety Committee, post minutes, organize house inspections with Health Unit. Act as NCI (Nonviolent Crisis Intervention) Trainer for community. Regularly attend House and Coordinating Team Meetings, and bi-weekly Monday Morning Assistant Meetings. Act as member of the Extended Leadership Team. Act as part of the Community Emergency phone team. The ideal candidate will possess the following: Registered Nurse or Registered Practical Nursing certification preferred, or significant health care experience. Aptitude for medical information. Demonstrated experience and passion for supporting individuals with complex behavioural support needs. Demonstrated ability to fully implement and monitor behavioural support plans and supporting documents. Strong interpersonal skills, especially communication and advocacy. Initiative and capacity to work independently. Flexible in terms of approach and time. Full G Driver’s License and a minimum of 5 years insured driving experience. Humility and a sense of humor. Duration:

Part-time salaried role, 24 hours per week for minimum of 3 years Start Date:

Immediately Salary:

commensurate with experience based on L’Arche Canada Compensation policy Responsible to:

Community Leader, or designate

