Associate | Manager, Transportation Engineering - IBI Group
  • N/A, Ontario, Canada
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Job Description

Associate | Manager, Transportation Engineering Toronto, ON Anna Mori has spent her entire 20-year transportation planning career with IBI Group. Anna specializes in transportation data collection and analysis, as well as geographic information systems/mapping/visualization of travel patterns and trends. She has managed several large-scale travel origin-destination surveys for commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles and transit, through which she has gained rich insights into travel behaviour. She has also been responsible for a variety of studies in support of transportation planning activities and transportation policy development. Signature projects include the Ontario Commercial Vehicle Survey and the multi-faceted Northern Ontario Multimodal Transportation Strategy for the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario. She is currently developing highway rest areas guidance for Northern Ontario and is the technical lead on a Road Rationalization Study for the County of Essex.Anna has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Society from McMaster University, and a Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from the University of Toronto.

